
Welp! I got Sagaheim off the ground yesterday. And by off the ground, I’m referring to it now being live. Yay! I ended up working on the site for the majority of four days. It still has a good deal of work to be done, but I’ve accomplished what I needed to in order to launch.

If any of you are wondering what the heck Sagaheim even means, allow me to dispel the clouds from your mind. Like many of the themes in Twilight Wolf, there are Icelandic related themes and terminology here as well. You’ve likely heard the ‘heim’ part before. It’s part of Jotunheim, Muspelheim, and Niflheim, which are 3 of the 9 realms. So, the ‘heim’ here refers to an abode, a region, or a world.

The ‘saga’ part refers to tale/story/history, so basically… You’re in Story Land! hehe Or the land of stories/tales. I debated on Saga‘gard’—‘gard’ being associated with fence/enclosure—but I didn’t want this place feeling like an enclosure. I like the idea of stories not having boundaries. :)

Now, that I’ve got Sagaheim in a healthy place, I’ve got to go write something! I feel like I’ve been slacking, since I haven’t completed any writing in over a week. But my tired brain has assured me each night that I have indeed been busy, so there’s that. Thanks brain. You always know how to put things in perspective. I’ve always like that about you.

I’ve currently got 3 different articles drafted. The subjects are Setting Expectations, Point of View, and ‘the Present’ in relation to ‘the Self.’ The first two are writing related and the last is more of a thought provoking piece that refers to time and self. Yeah, I get wild ideas sometimes, so the last one’s a bit of a diversion from my other things.

But, I’m off to go write! I need to complete an article or two, plus I need to knock out the next Red Riding Hood chapter, so that I can get into Snow-white!

Present Happenings:

  • As far as extra curricular activities go, I’ve got a pretty clear day, so I should be able to focus on writing!

  • 18 Nov 2023. Book signing!

    I’ll be at Barnes & Noble in Tupelo, MS. Of course, no one knows of my existence, so I’ll likely have an ambiance of cricket sounds around me. But it’s still exciting and I truly hope to do this more in the future! I hope to have a lot of this site set up by then, so that I can share its location.

    Until next time, happy reading!



There and Back Again


Sagaheim’s Day 2