Sagaheim’s Day 2

Well, I’m up and at ‘em…and I’m getting ‘at them’ pretty early. I ended up stopping sooner than I wanted to yesterday. My brain got tired. haha I’m reaching pretty far on this one, but I don’t believe it’s too far. I’ve just got a great many things that I want to incorporate here, and I know that Sagaheim will be better for it.

Today, I’m going to work on porting all of my writing articles from ‘JT’s Writing Experience’ on That’s not a tall order by itself, but I’m also going to work all of them into Obsidian as I go. I’ve been trying to keep up with what articles I link to one another, and I’ve been completely overlooking that core aspect that makes up Obsidian. One day, I’ll go through my Obsidian vault and share some of my world building. But, alas, that day is not today.

I’m also planning to share a few post on a character blog. I’m presently calling that writing endeavor ‘Diary of a Nerdy Girl.’ I’m not sure what I’d call it exactly! A writing exercise, maybe? It’s really just a list of diary entries by a… well, a nerdy girl. The posts will be comical bullet entries and comprised of double entendres that relate to her misadventures as an aspiring femme fatale. lol For any more information, you’ll just have to go see some examples. :)

Present Happenings:

  • I have two Writing Article posts in mind—Setting Expectations and Character POV—and I plan on working on that today when I’m able. I rolled out of bed to jot down notes before starting back to work on Sagaheim. I’m not sure if that’s a signal to complete those articles, or if it’s motivation to keep waiting for more wisdom tidbits to kick me out of bed in the morning. lol

  • I’ve changed the following bullets to a smaller font because they were part of yesterday’s post. I’ll continue to do this or something similar in the future. That way, you can see what is still relevant, while being made aware that it might have seen it previously. I hope this helps!

  • I’ve also just applied for a side hustle and interview on Monday. Technically, some would probably consider my writing to be the side hustle considering that the work will be full time. But this wouldn’t be the first case I’ve disagreed with someone about something.

    Sharing stories through writing is who I am, and this side hustle is just something I have to do in order to survive being myself. :)

  • 18 Nov 2023. Book signing!

    I’ll be at Barnes & Noble in Tupelo, MS. Of course, no one knows of my existence, so I’ll likely have an ambiance of cricket sounds around me. But it’s still exciting and I truly hope to do this more in the future! I hope to have a lot of this site set up by then, so that I can share its location.

  • I have more minor things going on, but nothing too terribly exciting. I’ll be sure to share updates when they’re relevant.

    So, until then, happy reading!




