There and Back Again

I just returned home from my trip to a book signing in Tupelo, MS and what a satisfying trip it was! I had so many great conversations, and it felt like I was engaging with someone nearly the entire time I was there. It was all a great joy. And if any of those conversations find their way to reading this, thank you for your interest in Twilight Wolf, as well as the rewarding conversation!

I don’t know that I spoke with anyone that didn’t at least arch their eyebrows on hearing details about Twilight Wolf. There was a bit of giddy excitement with some of the customers and that was very rewarding to see. I know there are a great many readers out there that will enjoy this story. Hopefully, I’ll get to see more of that excitement when they find it.

Several people have claimed that they haven’t heard of a story quite like Twilight Wolf, but if you have, I’d love to hear about it! I’m interested in learning about similar stories and similar authors, so if anything comes to mind, don’t hesitate to share. I’ve been told my writing style & voice are uniquely my own. I’m very satisfied with this answer and am happy to have it remain unchanged. But I like examining the way other authors tell their stories, and I think examining similar authors/stories could help me improve on my own ability to portrait my stories. So, if anything comes to mind, I’d love to hear of it!

Present Happenings:

  • I’ve got the first two chapters of Snow-white drafted, but there’s a few things I need to adjust before I post them. It shouldn’t take much to get them into a presentable state, so I expect to get them out soon.

  • I’ve got two articles drafted as well. One is on writing Point of View and the other is thought provoking peice. I’ve been sitting on the latter for too long already. It’s presently too meandering and I need to make it more concise. I should be able to get that finished by Wednesday or Thursday, but I also need to publish 2 writing articles this week.

  • As far as Sagaheim, I’m going to work on filling things out related to Twilight Wolf. My next focus for the website is the Grim Legacy section and implementing a newsletter. Once those are done, I may shift over to expanding the ‘Unrelated Projects’ tab, which will be random side projects and short stories I decide to write.

    I suppose that about does it for now!

    So, until next time, happy reading!



Anticlimactic… Or is it?

