Here, you’ll find a work in progress—the page, not the stories. ;) The stories here are meant to be one-shots, but they may contain components from larger tales or act as building blocks to be used in those tales. They may be few for now, but there’s something to be said about quality. :)

These are mostly derived from Reddit writing prompts, but there’s really no telling what inspiration will fuel the stories that land here. I’m attempting to separate them into genres so you can peruse only what interests you.

Still Lifes isn’t a genre though. As I put most of my writing focus on my present novel in progress—Star Fire—I’m still entertaining concepts and character interactions for Grim Legacy, Duality, and a few other brain children that constantly frolic through my imaginarium. Occasionally, I will need to purge some of these rampant thoughts, where they’ll land in ‘Still Lifes.’ You can think of them like still life photography. They will be stand alone stories, but they’ll also be concepts for me to play around with and develop. They may end up becoming scenes in an upcoming story/chapter or they may be stand alone entries where my character is ported into a foreign world. Who can say?

Whatever you looking for, I hope you find it. Happy reading!