Femme Fatale: Critical First Mission

Summer of ‘69

...just kidding. It’s 2023’s fall semester. This journal will catalog my conquest as I climb to become history’s finest femme fatale. Full disclosure, my erotic adventures have yet to... Hmm, how do you say... Well, if I was putting notches in the ole belt, I don’t even wear a built. So, we’re starting from scratch here. But! Every journey has its first step and I’m sure to take mine sometime soon. Probably.

First Entry:

‘Write what you know,’ or so they say. But after eight weeks of trying, I’m still not qualified to log this entry. At this rate, I’ll be a virgin forever!

Second Entry:

Nope. Not a status update.

Entry Three:

I quit using FML. I just can’t continue advocating that my life see more action than I do!


I think, I’m in something of a dry spell. Only, it has never rained. So, perhaps a desert.


Desert was indeed accurate. Either travelers are dying before they reach my oasis or the fellas have not grown thirsty enough for the trip. Either way, I’m starting to get concerned that my watering hole’s gonna fall off the map!

Sex Six...stupid brain

Progress! Sure. Maybe, Pat Pickens doesn’t even know I exist, but when I was entering a door that he was exiting, he totally grazed my boob. Can you believe it?

Okay, full disclosure, he was rushing to his car and only knocked my elbow, but a girl can dream, right? Plus, his car was on fire for reasons totally unrelated to him not acknowledging my ‘Good Morning.’

Update 7:



Entry Ten:

Things are going... Well, they’re going to be fine. Samantha Summers’ hair will totally grow back, so she can keep twirling her finger through it without a care in the world. Let’s just hope she walks too close to a high-powered fan, where the blades do some twirling of their own.


Okay, so... I may have been getting some of my training out of order. Those accidents were all totally accidental. I’ve just got to take a step back and properly channel my tension by introducing some tension into my channel. Now, get it together, girl!


Crap! Room inspections! Quick, hide!

[WP] You are a new student at a prestigious boarding school. While moving into your dorms, you find a peculiar notebook lying about. Oh, it’s a...secret diary? Somebody probably forgot to bring it home. You can’t help but read some of it’s contents... but some secrets are better off unknown.


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