Sagaheim, Story, and Author Updates

Hmm…I should really shorten that blog title. Not really catchy, is it? SSA Updates? Or SAS Updates, maybe? Or— oh, wait. I can’t do the other one. lol

Oookay! I’ve been fairly busy/productive lately, but I took a much needed break the past couple of days. Here’s what I’ve done since my last blog post:

  • 5 articles added to JT’s Writing Experience

  • 6 new chapters added to Snow-white, which completes that story!

  • New Grim Legacy page: Rune Magic

  • Wrote 2 chapters in my Duality story, but it’s not presently posted anywhere.

That list seems rather humble, but I assure you that considerable effort went into these meager bullets! lol Snow-white ended up with a 11,600 word count. A bit less than Cinderella’s 16,500, but it was 4 chapters shorter and I completed the arcs that were involved.

I’ve also done some pretty extensive research and development on my Yggdrasil—World Tree—and I’m confident that you haven’t seen one quite like this one. :)

Rune Magic

This page touches on the runes behind the magic in Twilight Wolf. It showcases the runes, how they are drawn, what they represent, and their application. It also covers the stats and abilities that Mioko acquires throughout book 1. This shouldn’t spoil anything so feel free to peruse anything here.

More detailed information will be added at a later date.

Other than that

I’ve done a lot of digging through the Poetic Eddas, which is needed for world building for Grim Legacy book 2. I’ve went through Grimnismol pretty extensively, making notes and trying to define and place landmarks. I’ve been through Voluspo, but I need to do go through it more deliberately.

I also finished some books.

  • Malazan-Book 1

  • Save the Cat!

  • Bird by Bird

Malazan was fine. It didn’t blow my skirt up…not that I wear skirts, mind you. But I enjoyed it. As for the other two, I thought Save the Cat! was great and Bird by Bird had it’s moments.

I’ll likely start The Blade Itself this week. I’ve heard great things!

Guess, that’ll do it for now.
Until the next one,

Happy Writing/Reading!


Hark! Who goes there?


Amusingly Bemused, starring JT!