Amusingly Bemused, starring JT!

Yikes! Has it really been a week since my last blog post?

I’m aware of how calendars and math works… I’m just usually suspicious of time. It’s always up to no good, like making advances when I have shown no such interest. :)

Anyways! My day turned out to be a good day to have a great day, so hopefully your finding this will be at a time where you likewise have a great day!

I may not have posted something to this specific part of Sagaheim, but that’s not to say that I’ve been idle. I’ve actually been what one might call busy. As far as Sagaheim goes:

  • I’ve added some character bios and information regarding the locations within Twilight Wolf.

  • I’ve written and posted 3 articles in JT’s Writing Experience and have a 4th one in draft, which will go out tomorrow.

  • I’ve added an article under Thought Provoking.

  • I posted another Snow-white chapter.

  • And I’ve adjusted some of the pages in search of what best presents the information.

And that’s on Sagaheim alone! I’ve also been studying the Poetic Eddas and building a world that ties to descriptions within those Eddas.

Okay, okay. I’ll share another sneak peek.

What do you mean, ‘Why is Vanaheim next to Midgard?’ Hey, I said it was a sneak peek, not a full disclosure. ;)

This image is from a few days ago, and it’s a pretty significant change from the previous post. And don’t worry. This map has changed since I saved this photo and it’s certain to continue changing!

And speaking of maps… I nearly forgot. Twilight Wolf includes a map, but it’s a substitute. I couldn’t include the original because the details didn’t show up in print. If you’re curious, here’s what that looks like:

I’ve been meaning to add this map to Sagaheim, I just haven’t gotten around to that just yet.

You know, as I look back over this blog post, it seems like I’ve been rather busy lately. But that’s not even the end of it! I also picked up a delivery job with Amazon recently. It’s pretty straightforward, providing me with a task oriented position that increases my physical activity while allowing me to think on story things. I’ve only been at it for about a week, but I’m enjoying it so far!

I’d like to say it’s been an uneventful week, but Adventure seems rather smitten with me.

I can’t even focus on some simple tasks without some random monkey wrench cartwheeling in from off screen to land betwixt the spokes of my metaphorical bicycle’s front wheel. But I suppose it could be worse! Instead of Adventure, it could’ve been Death that was crushing on me!

Whew! Close one!

Hmm? I didn’t mention what the adventure was? Oh! I suppose you’re right! You see, what had happened was… I was flowing and absolutely crushing my route. The good kind of crushing, mind you, as there where no packages harmed in the making of this adventure. Well, there I was, just me, my truck, my itinerary and the last 4 stops of my work day. The finish line was so close I could see it. Heck, I could even smell it!

…actually, come to think about it, I was working up a pretty good sweat so perhaps a finish line wasn’t what I was smelling.

Anywho! I turned the key to crank the vehicle when disaster struck! The keyfob twisted off of the prong that slides into the ignition! Ugh! Gods, why do you hate me so?

What followed was me sitting in a heatless van, wearing a thin long sleeve shirt & vest, in 34 deg F, for 2 hours! So, much for rocking my work day! My work day had suddenly conspired to turn me into a JT flavored Writer-sicle

And I know it sounds like this was all good fun—sunshine and rainbows, if you will. But I was furious! lol And the worst part was that there was no one to blame. Everything resolved in a reasonable way.!

But golly, Adventure… You think you could pump those infatuation-brakes a little for me sweetheart? I’m starting to contemplate a restraining order.

Hmmm…I wonder what that would look like. Food for thought.

Until next time!


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Anticlimactic… Or is it?