Greetings from Raleigh, NC!

Just checking in! If it seems like I haven’t updated this in a little while… Well, I guess that’s accurate. My circumstances changed slightly. I picked up another form of work—one that requires me to travel extensively. For example, I was in Lansing, MI on 3/25, then I was outside of Milwaukee, WI for a few days. As I write this, I’m sitting in Raleigh, NC, but I’m heading a little further SE to Kinston. This latest travel leg is nearly 1,000 miles, so you can imagine that I’m on the road a significant amount. That being said, I’ll still be writing regularly, though my internet connectivity will be somewhat tenuous.

I haven’t mentioned it here, but I’ve told a few friends about my present project. I’ve decided to push the Grim Legacy world onto the back burner for a short while. Mioko’s storyline is at a happy enough stopping point (for now). That completed book doesn’t end in any sort of dire cliffhanger and satisfies its plot. The other fairytale works with Cinderella, Snow-white, Red Riding Hood, and Rapunzel are an ongoing project that I plan to rearrange pretty extensively.

Presently, my focus is on another work—Star Fire. Part of my starting this new project is due to everyone’s existing interest in dragons as well as some of the responses that I’ve received on Reddit for writing the related short stories that led to this book’s conception.

Here are the 2 Reddit stories that Star Fire grew out of:

There’s also the buzz about Fourth Wing to consider. While, Star Fire will have nothing to do with that story or its author, I feel it would be advantageous to craft a fantasy romance while everyone is looking for this kind of story. Perhaps Star Fire will help me earn income enough to focus on Mioko’s storyline in earnest. Until then, I’ll have to write alongside my traveling work and write the things readers are actively searching for!

I haven’t determined how I’m going to present Star Fire on Sagaheim just yet. My known options wouldn’t make for a great experience for you. The trouble is with you returning to view new chapters. There are issues that I don’t know how to work around just yet.

For now, you can read the first chapters on my scribblehub here:

You can get a better idea of the story through the link, but I’ll go ahead and tell you…the narrative is going to be different. There are 3 character POVs, each having their own POV distance (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). You’ll follow Star (3rd), Prometheus (1st), and the dragon (2nd). Initially, I just wanted to challenge myself by doing something unique with the narrative. That has since evolved. Now, these narrative distances mean something to the characters that wield them and over the course of the story, something here will change. If you’re curious, you’ll just have to tune in and discover how that plays out!

I’m super excited about this storyline though. I already love a lot of things going on with all three characters! Prior to writing this post, I finished revising a chapter 7. All three characters are currently separated but they’re approaching a furious intersection. I’m excited to reach its culmination! I’ll get this group of chapters posted just as soon as I’m able.

I hope to share them with you soon!

Until then, Happy reading!



The Story Scout: Pt 1-Blacksburg, VA


Hark! Who goes there?