‘Innan’ means internally/within and ‘gard’ means within. Its name refers to an internal enclosure. It’s a magical world that is part of Mioko’s mind and exists on a plane separate from Jormungrund. Brandrrafn created the path into this world using his unique brand of rune magic and when he brought Mioko inside, a train and a single stretch of track were the first things her mind manifested.



‘Vind’ means wind. Vindheim is the land of wind and is the refuge for all of the story characters that Mioko evacuated from Grimm’s Fairy Tales.


‘Iss’ means ice, and ‘Issgard’ means enclosure of ice. A mysterious castle emerged north of Vindheim, where Mioko and Jack set out to determine if the inhabitants are friend or foe.


“Jormun”means something huge. Jormungrund is the name of earth, but there is an alternate ‘Present day.’ Viking culture was more influential in the past, leading to Icelandic city names being more commonplace.



‘Haeli’ means refuge. Haeliheim is the land of refuge and is a safe haven for those fleeing the Aesir-Vanir war.


‘Vel’ means machine. Velheim is the land of machine. It’s a metropolitan area and home to the major arms manufacturer, Sigrvel (Victory machine).


‘Mid’ means middle, so ‘Midgard’ means middle enclosure. It’s the name of earth within Norse mythology. But perhaps it’s also a hidden continent on Jormungrund?
