Prom Night Masquerade

Star light, star bright,
Tis me, shining at prom tonight.

The civic center’s second floor played host to prom, where banners of silver and blue swooped in and out of an overhead darkness, the dance floor lit by a DJ booth and adjacent lighting arrays whose lights danced about the space. Like colored balloons scattered around a fog laden floor, ‘Far-far Away’ making an appearance as the students danced in the clouds.

Everyone wore their best, Tyler—the school’s quarterback—showing up in a black on black tux with silver cuffs. Beth—the debate team’s captain—wore a silver ball gown with a princess bodice. The two of them danced on the same cloud as everyone else, all of the songs coming up as high tempo dance numbers that kept everyone moving and giggling.

Then, a slow song arrived, the two of them drawing close. Tyler’s heart drowned out whatever music was playing, the pressure suddenly skyrocketing. He looked at Beth, noticing her reddening cheeks before she looked down and away. Her blond hair looked really nice, pinned up like it was, and now, he was wishing he had said so earlier. “I like it,” he whispered.”

“Wha—” Beth began.

“You’re hair, I mean. It’s nice.”


Tyler glanced around to the other pairs, several of them exchanging awkward kisses. This is it, he thought, the love song serenading all the girls on the floor. It’s now or never. He looked back to her, her gaze passing between each of his eyes. He had to bend, his feet suddenly stopping as he fixated on his lips meeting their mark. His nose brushed the side of hers as he closed his eyes.


Beth had developed a sudden fit. “Sorry,” she managed, turning to leave the floor. “I need a drink.”

Tyler’s heart plummeted and he quickly followed. “Yeah... Yeah, me too.”

They stopped at a table, each downing a glass of punch before Beth fanned herself with both hands. “I’m going to get some air.”

“I’ll come with you,” he replied, tugging at his collar.

She looked disappointed but nodded, the two making their way to a side door.

Tyler glanced back, his teammate, Rick, giving him two thumbs-up and a cheesy grin. He rolled his eyes, then exited onto a balcony.

Beth rested her elbows on a railing and leaned to look over downtown.

He did the same, though near the opposite corner.

She glanced at him, then looked back out at the near buildings of red brick. “Sorry about that,” she said.

He sighed. “Yeah. Me too.”

“If you don’t mind my asking, wouldn’t you have been better suited to go with April or Kim? I know it’s cliché, but cheerleader seems a little more star-quarterback date material.”

Tyler turned and leaned back against the railing as he crossed his arms. “No. Your mom may have set us up, but I wouldn’t have agreed if I wasn’t interested. I really do like you, Beth. I have for a while, now.”

“Why, though? You’ve got better options.”

“Well, what are you using to measure better and best? In my opinion, I ended up with the better option.”

Beth narrowed her eyes, then plopped into a nearby chair with a huff. “You’re wasting your time, Tyler.”

“Why? Was it my dancing?”

“What? Where’s that coming from? No. Of course not. You’re a great dancer.”

“Then, what was it?”

“Look, if I tell you something, can you keep it a secret?”

“Well, yeah. Of course.”

She sighed. “I don’t like guys.”

“Oh, did you have a mean boyfriend or something?”

“No, Tyler... I don’t like guys.” She raised her eyebrows.

Tyler’s eyes grew wide. “Oooh.”


“Well, why didn’t you say something?”

“I don’t know, Tyler. Maybe, it’s not the best ice breaker?”

“So, you like girls, then?” he asked, leaning closer, interested.

Beth returned a flat stare. “Look, I don’t know, alright? I just don’t feel that way about guys. But if you tell anyone, I swear, I’ll wait until you fall asleep, then I’ll burn your house down with you inside.”

Geez. That got dark. I said, I wouldn’t, didn’t I?”

“Good...good. And I was just kidding about the burning your house down thing. Mostly.

Tyler nodded. “I gathered that. So, obviously, your mom doesn’t know.”

“Right. I just want to focus on school and stuff right now. I’ll figure that stuff out in college. I mean, probably.”

“Know where you’ll go? To college, I mean.”

“Yeah. Just the local community college, at first. You?”

“Same. Not sure if I’ll play football, though.”

What? Why? I’m sure you would absolutely crush it with the ladies if you did.”

“What are you, my wing man?”

Beth climbed to her feet, then leaned on the rail near him. “I don’t know, maybe? Would that be so bad? If you can keep your word, maybe I can put in a good word with the ladies. A ‘you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’ kind of deal?”

Tyler shook his head. “You don’t owe me anything for not repeating what you asked me not to. And besides, I’m not on whatever sort of conquest you believe me to be.”

“Fine. A new deal, then. How about you look out for me, and I’ll sign off on any potential girl friend?”

“What, like a sister or something?”

“Sure! Why not?”

He thought about, then nodded. “Yeah, okay. I like it.” He glanced to the door and his expression fell.

“Can’t go back in a zero, huh?” She undid her hair bun and pulled it back up in a looser ponytail. Then, she stuck her fingers in his hair and scrubbed vigorously.

“Hey,” he protested.

“Relax, stud.” She pulled him down and pressed their lips together, hers pressed into a line before scrubbing them back and forth across his. “There,” she proclaimed, ruffling his hair again.

Tyler looked at her, hair disheveled, his lips smeared with lipstick as she nodded approvingly. “Uh, thanks?”

Beth nodded, and hooked her arm under his elbow. “Welp, best get back in there.”

They reentered, Beth releasing him, her course set to collide with a group of waiting girls. He watched her depart, his want replaced by a growing admiration. Eventually, he drifted into a group of his teammates, Rick at its center.

Dude,” Rock proclaimed. “At the dance? You’re the man!”

Tyler grinned weakly, looking at the surrounding faces that all seemed eager to hear his response.

“So?” Rick prodded. “How was she?”

“How was she what?”

“You know! You two got it on, right?”

“No, of course not. We just... talked.”

“Sure, sure. Well, if you’re not interested anymore, maybe I could---”

“Don’t even think about it,” Tyler responded, glaring.

“What? You’re obviously over it.”

Tyler poked him in the shoulder. “What did I say? Look... If you mess with her, I’ll burn your house down while you’re sleeping in it.”

“Holy shit, man. Alright, geez. She’s your territory. Got it.”

Tyler nodded. “Good.”

Beth approached a group of girls---all popular cheerleaders and wearing their school colored dresses, all copypastas of high school clichés without a single original thought between them. She began to fan herself with both hands as she approached.

“Beth, you slut,” April greeted. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

“Tell me everything,” Samantha added.

“Girls, girls,” Beth replied. “Can you give me a minute. Think Imma need to go see my cardiologist about all those beats I’m missing. I either developed a murmur or my heart found its way onto a yellow brick road.”

Heather waggled her eyebrows. “So, you two bumped uglies?”

“Geez, Heather. What are we, five? Grow up.”

Heather frowned and looked to the other girls, who nodded.

April hooked her arm into Beth’s. “Well? Was know? Big?”

Beth shook her head. “Who do you think I am? Sarah? I don’t kiss and tell.”

Kim looked at the guys across from them, while stirring her drink with her finger. “Maybe, I should give him a go.”

“Kim, no one’s interested in your itchy vadge.”

“Beth! Stop bringing that up! It was summer camp and completely natural!”

“Uh huh. Well, just so you all know, I humped all over his leg so he’s thoroughly marked territory.”

“Me-yow!” April replied with a smirk.

A new song started—I’m Good by Bebe Rexha.

“I love this song,” Heather said, her eyes suddenly widening along with the other girls.


Beth turned to find Tyler with his hand outstretched.

“I believe they’re playing our song, Beth.”

She grinned, took his hand and turned back to her entourage. “Excuse me, girls. This dragon rider’s got some dancing to do.” She laughed and bounded away.

The two kicked balloons into the air and Beth found herself laughing each time Tyler spun her. A big brother, she thought. Who’d have thought I’d find one here?

Tyler suddenly broke out a chicken dance.

Beth clapped, then cupped her hands over her laughter.

Star light, star bright,
Tis me, shining at prom tonight.


Fortune Favors the Benevolent